This tab page contains all detailed information on the driver.



Technical no.:



The technical number is a code that is automatically generated  by the software. It is used for assigning data to the correct driver.

Deselect the checkbox to deactivate the driver (drivers cannot be deleted).


An alphanumerical code for the driver, used for easy recognition of the driver in selection lists. The user is free to choose this code, but it must be unique.

Last name:

The driver's last name.

First name:

The driver's first name.

External code:

A code that makes the link to other, non-Transics software.


Optional - The text in this field can be used for selection purposes throughout the software. Example: when selecting Autofilter = Female, we'll select all drivers with the text "Female" in the Autofilter field.


(Sub)group(s) to which the driver belongs.

Set subgroups

Select the subgroups

In duty:

When did the driver start working at the company?

Out of duty:

When did the driver stop working at the company?

Driving license no.:

Number of the driver's driving license.

ADR driving license valid until:

Expiration date of the driver's ADR driving license.
ADR= Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road

Medical certificate valid until:

Expiration date of the driver's medical certificate.

Alarm deactivation password:

Password to deactivate the anti-theft alarm.

Extra information:

Extra information on the driver.




